trustee rights

英 [trʌˈstiː raɪts] 美 [trʌˈstiː raɪts]

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  1. When working with access control entries, you specify a trustee to which you are assigning the rights.
  2. Many applications have similar operations to which a trustee can be assigned rights, for example, reading, writing, and deleting objects.
  3. The new trustee shall inherit the rights and obligations of handling the trust affairs of the former trustee.
  4. Although a trustee can administer and dispose a piece of trust property in his own name, his purpose of doing so is not for his own special interest, for which that so-called trust right has no essence of rights.
  5. While contract fund are based on the apparent contractual relations, and the trustee has lesser residual control rights.
  6. By analyzing the source of fund trustee the manager's rights and the nature of the investors 'rights, I think the fund property belongs to the investors.
  7. Inter vivos trusts is a testamentary trust, is defined based on the life and the trustee trust set up client files, their property rights transferred to the trustee, trustee disposition, management by.
  8. Thanks to the special legal status of the trustee in the trust relationship, the law set the obligatory norm to realize regulating the trust contracts which is indispensable in order to protect the rights of the trustee and the beneficiary.
  9. We shall take the responsibilities of trustee in bankruptcy as perspective to explore fundamental rights and duties, as well as define legal liabilities of them.
  10. Based on the concept of Rural Land Trust, it includes the principal, the trustee and the trust property whose internal relations are identified as rights and obligations.